Astra is a new member of the Valorant team and she has a unique and fresh way of looking at things. This gamepad operator is the fifteenth agent added to the roster. She is different from others because she has a unique style of playing and a different overall theme. As a Ghanaian agent, Astra has the power to control the cosmic forces and manipulate the battlefield according to her preferences. This Astra Guide for Valorant will explain everything about this amazing character.
Astra’s remarkable strategic vision and command of the astral form allow her to stay one step ahead of her foes at all times. Her one-of-a-kind appearance and engaging art make her a popular among players and observers alike who are searching for something new to enjoy in the game.
Everything About Astra in Valorant
Astra is unparalleled in her ability to command a battleground in Valorant. Using the power of the stars in her Astral form, this agent manipulates the map in a way that you have never seen before. Yet, if you want to make the most of Astra’s powers, you need to put in the time and effort. Astra is a tremendous addition to any five-stack that understands how to maximize her potential, thanks to her wide arsenal of abilities that includes smokes, stuns, gravity wells, and a game-changing ultimate that divides the battlefield in two. Hence, if you want to step up your game and crush the opposition, Astra is the agency for you.
The star-based skills included in Astra’s dynamic kit in Valorant call for a cerebral approach. She is best played with a slower, more deliberate approach, but can be a significant addition to any squad with good strategy. Learn to master her skills and you will be unstoppable.
Gravity Well
Everyone is raving about this ability as it allows you to place your stars and activate a gravity well using the assigned button. The gravity well pulls all players towards its center before exploding, making them vulnerable to double damage from all sources if they’re still inside upon the explosion.
This ability pulls for 4 seconds, and goes on a 12 second cooldown, and with the enemy’s gun out, it takes about 3 seconds to escape this ability. and while you’re being pulled you’re technically moving so you’re inaccurate as well. Making this the single best defending ability, if you can touch the enemy with the ability.
Nova Pulse
Next we have Nova pulse, with this ability you actiavate one of your stars to detonate the Nova Pulse, which charges briefly, then strikes, concussing all players in its area. This ability has the same effect as Breach’s ultimate and signature ability, but explodes much faster. The timing on this ability pops a little bit faster than Yoru flashes, but a tiny bit slower than Phoenix flashes, which gives you a very small window to be able to react to this ability, because with your gun out, if you react right at the activation time, you can barely make it out of the ring before explosion.
This is going to be one of the best abilities to use when the enemies are planting, defusing, tucked deep in a corner, or pushing up a long hallway, because if they have an escape route they have to run to it immediately.
Astra’s smoke ability, Nebula. With this ability you place your stars in astral form, and activate your star with this button to create a Nebula, which is just a dome of smoke. You can use the F key to dissipate a star and return it, allowing it to be used again after 8 seconds. This ability also creates a Nebula that lasts for 1 second, instead of the usual 15 seconds.
You get 2 Nebulas, meaning you can have 2 smokes active at a time, and they go on a 14 second cooldown when activated. and if you decide to use all 5 of your stars on Nebula, that leaves you with 75 seconds worth of smokes for a round.
Astral Form
For this ability simply activate the ability to enter astral form, where you can place starts with your Primary fire, and you can then reactivate those stars later and transform them into Nova pulses, Nebula, or Gravity well, her other abilities.
Astral form is the key to making Astra so good at solo holding a bomb site, because when the enemy commits to another bomb site, she can pick up all of her utility, and 8 seconds later have a full lineup of utility on the other bomb site to help with the retake.
To summarize, in order to become proficient with Astra in Valorant, you must have an understanding of her skills, as well as map awareness and game sense. The importance of coordinating and communicating with one’s teammates cannot be overstated. Continue to hone your skills as an Astra player by engaging in drills and trying out new strategies so that you can become an invaluable addition to your team.
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