How to Play as Raze in Valorant – Complete Guide

Raze, the Brazilian Agent in Valorant, is famous for her aggressive and strong way of playing. Raze is very powerful on the battlefield because she has a lot of explosive weapons and can clear small areas easily. Our detailed Raze guide provides professional
advice and techniques to assist you in becoming skilled with this Agent and overwhelm your adversaries. Whether you’re new or experienced, our guide will give you the knowledge and skills to use Raze’s power and become an expert. This Raze Guide for Valorant will teach you everything you need to know about this character, starting from the beginning. Are you ready to beat the competition and become successful with Raze.

Everything About Raze

The first step in becoming proficient with Raze in Valorant is to recognize her unique qualities. Investing the effort to learn about her skills may make a huge impact, even how apparent it may seem. Raze’s kit, on the other hand, is pleasantly simple, making him an easy champion to master. Instead of settling with mediocrity, strive to be the best player you can be by maximising Raze’s devastating potential.

Boom Bot

This information gathering tool costs 300 credits and bounces off walls to scan for hostiles. It lasts for a whole 10 seconds, covering a surprising amount of ground in that period of time. Nowadays it does a maximum of 80 damage with its inner two meter blast radius and a minimum of 30 in its 6 meter outer radius.

Small maps with plenty of corners are the best-suited environments for Raze and her utility. It’s important to note that not every piece of utility needs to damage an enemy. Even if you think it’s wasted, it’s better to be safe than sorry. While having access to a plethora of boom bots is nice, it’s important to use them strategically.

Blast Pack

Raze’s satchels are a part of her fiery Arsenal, which she can purchase for a low price of 200 credits. These satchels help her carve out her niche as a duelist by providing amazing movement capabilities. She can use the blast packs as a movement ability to capitalize on empty space and scale vertically, affecting every player in the game.

Unlike most damaging abilities, her allies will not take damage from the blast pack, and unless you manually activate it the blast pack has a life cycle of five seconds before it explodes. The explosion has an outer radius and an inner radius the inner radius is anything within two meters with players in it taking the full damage of 50. The outer blast radius is 5 meters and the amount of damage begins to fall off to the minimum of 15

Paint Shells


Raze’s signature ability is her paint Shell’s grenades. Initially, Raze in valorant had two paint shell grenades, but Riot reduced it to one in Patch 0.47 after realizing how absurdly powerful she was with them. The cluster nades deal large damage by exploding into smaller bombs which in turn do damage to anyone standing close enough, the grenade detonates into a total of four smaller bombs which each does a maximum of 55 damage meaning a raised grenade can do up to 275 damage to a player.


Grenade roughly takes 2.25 seconds to detonate which isn’t a lot of time for the enemy to react when you take into consideration the time it travels through the air and the normal agent movement speed. The primary purpose of Raze’s grenade is to deal large damage in a small area so there are no better agents to combo with than Fade and Astra as they possess abilities to allow them to glue enemies in place which could end up in resulting giving you a free kill.  

Show Stopper


Since the beta, the developers have changed Showstopper multiple times, increasing its cost from six to seven ultimate points, and finally to a massive eight, making it one of the most altered abilities. The rocket deals 150 damage up to 4 meters away from Impact dropping down to a measly 30 damage at 7 meters the massive damage drop-offs is why players often find themselves thinking they must have shot a faulty rocket.


Like the rest of Raze`s utility it has a damage multiplier to enemy objects but unlike the rest of it it has a whopping 10 times damage multiplier meaning a direct impact can do 1500 damage to objects.

Wrap Up

Learning to use Raze effectively in Valorant takes time and thought, but the payoff is worth it. Those that master her explosive skills and playstyle get a decisive edge in combat. Raze is a powerful character, and players can really step up their game by mastering the mechanics and strategies that allow her to shine.

Also Read: Haven Mastery Guide; Valorant

Zain Hanif

I'm a lifelong fan of anime and video games, and I have a deep passion for Japanese culture. I've been watching anime and playing video games since I was a kid, and I'm always up-to-date with the latest releases. My knowledge of the history and culture of the anime and gaming industries is extensive, and I love to explore new content in these areas.

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