Dead Island 2 Guide For Exploration

Dead Island 2 has arrived, and that in and of itself was not always a certainty. After more than a decade of development in at least four studios, Dambuster will eventually bring the project to completion. Take our Dead Island 2 tips and tactics with you on your journey through “Hell-A” so you can avoid the many undead roaming the seashore boardwalks, Hollywood hills, and other locations throughout Los Angeles. We’ve already invested dozens of hours into the game to learn these useful tips, so you can immediately benefit from our knowledge. Here are 19 Dead Island 2 recommendations.

Dead Island 2 Exploration Guide

Invest in fuses early and often

The significance of fuses is not exactly emphasized right away, but take it from us: Carry them anytime you have the opportunity to do so. You are permitted to purchase a maximum of three of them simultaneously. They are necessary in order to get access to optional caches that include cash, weapons, and crafting supplies. They are also typically rigged with booby traps, so once you have successfully opened them with a fuse, you should check for tripwires and make use of zombies to trigger them for you.

Locked doors frequently need retracing

Many of the doors that you will come across will be locked the first time that you come across them, with the exception of the ones that need fuses and are plainly highlighted on your compass and map. It is something that is worth looking into a little bit, but not for an excessively lengthy period of time, regardless of whether they claim it opens with a certain key or that it opens from the other side. Many doors (and chests) similar to these require quest items, which you won’t be able to locate unless you are actively working through the associated quest. In Dead Island 2, there is a significant amount of retracing and some mild Metroidvania features. Therefore, you should not be concerned if you have to walk away from a closed door. It is probable that you are supposed to return to it at a later time.

Open unlocked doors immediately

Having stated that you should not delay in opening any doors or chests that you discover that have the ability to be opened by you. These frequently lead to the creation of shortcuts in the surrounding region, such as traveling through a neighborhood for many minutes before arriving at a part where a recently opened door provides a circuit via the backyards of the surrounding homes. Keep in mind, however, that once a door has been opened, it cannot be closed manually by the user again; thus, if you need to keep a door closed in order to catch your breath, do so until you have recovered fully.

Snacks heal, as medkits are scarce

In relation to healing, you have the capacity to carry up to five medkits at any given time, and despite the fact that you can discover them, buy them, or manufacture them, there will be times when you do not have access to very many or any at all. Because of this, if you are experiencing discomfort, you should seek energy drinks and protein bars first before reaching for your first aid pack. If you can make it out of the brawl and make it to the snacks on the other side of the room, do so. Having a medkit in your possession at the very last possible second is important for preserving your life, so do all you can to do so.

Returning to places respawns resources

The speed with which supplies are replenished is one of the aspects of Dead Island 2’s semi-open world that most take players by surprise. If you leave an area and come back later, you’ll find that everything has been refilled and seems as if it were brand new. This can happen when you think you’ve cleared a region of all its crafting supplies, but it’s really possible that you haven’t. This is vital since there will be a significant amount of broken weaponry. You can always construct what you need if you put in the effort to gather extra resources and give yourself enough time to do so.

Named foes have keys and skill cards

The majority of zombies receive their names based on the class to which they belong, such as walkers, shamblers, or crushers. However, when certain zombies have distinctive names, such as Nosy Neighbor or Farouk, you may be sure that they carry distinctive goods, such as a keycard, a safe key, or a door key. Kill these foes as soon as you have the chance, since if you do so, you will have instant access to the loot that is associated with them. Be aware, though, that certain foes of this kind will not appear until their associated mission has been completed, much like the locked doors.

Fast travel is feasible but not clearly explained in the game

At the beginning of the game, the zones aren’t very large; but, as the game progresses, the globe opens out quite a bit, and traveling across it in real time would be quite the undertaking. It’s a relief to know that quick travel is an option, even if the game doesn’t make it crystal clear right away.

Let sleeping zombies lie

In each and every location in the game, there are both roaming zombies as well as zombies laying in wait. If you don’t bother the latter group, navigating their domain will be much simpler for you. Just make sure not to startle them. It’s good knowledge that sleeping zombies won’t get to their feet and attack you unless you initiate combat with them first. This may be accomplished by kicking, striking, or even just having a Curveball (throwable) or a feature of the environment have an effect on the target.


This Dead Island 2 Exploration Guide provides an in-depth analysis of the many exploring options available in the game. It describes the many sorts of enemies that may be encountered in the game as well as the numerous prizes that can be earned by exploring different locations. In addition to that, it offers advice on how to move about the game’s areas and how to stay alive during confrontations with enemies. As they go across Dead Island 2, players may make the most of their exploration, have an experience that is both entertaining and gratifying, and maximize their potential with the help of this guide.

Suggested Read: Dead Island 2 Guide For Upgrades And Skills

Zain Hanif

I'm a lifelong fan of anime and video games, and I have a deep passion for Japanese culture. I've been watching anime and playing video games since I was a kid, and I'm always up-to-date with the latest releases. My knowledge of the history and culture of the anime and gaming industries is extensive, and I love to explore new content in these areas.

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