How to Play Haven Map in Valorant – Complete Guide

I really like Valorant’s Haven map. The three-site layout gives players different challenges and chances. Haven is a game that takes place in a calm village by the sea in Italy. It has a courtyard, small streets, and cozy spots for players to hide and make their plans for the future. Because the map is not symmetrical, attackers and defenders have different
goals. This can cause them to fight and use tricks to outsmart each other. In this guide for the Valorant Haven Map, you will learn all the important details about this map.

Haven’s three bomb sites make it an intriguing and difficult level. Defenders must be alert and prepared to defend several places, whereas attackers must prioritise and divide their resources. This complicates the game and necessitates effective teamwork.

Haven’s chokepoints and tight passages might make it hard for players to sneak around the area. Gamers must employ smokes, flashes, and other skills to create openings and chances.

Haven is a well-designed and hard map with many tactical and creative choices. Its unusual layout and various goals make it a fan favorite and Valorant competition classic.

What makes Haven Map Unique in Valorant?

Each map in Valorant has a crucial gimmick, but Haven’s is arguably the most straightforward and hardest for seasoned competitive players to grasp: there are three locations in which the Spike can be placed, stretching the positioning of defenders more than any other map.


Haven Map Callouts

Here is the Bind in-game grid, which includes the majority of the essential callouts. However, there are no particular callouts on this map for the A, B, or C sites.


The A Bombsite in Haven

Both teams should be aware of how playing Site A can leave them open because it is by far the easiest site to protect, but it’s also the simplest site to take out defenders. A Tower, which is close to the defender’s start point, is the easiest place to defend Site A. It provides an excellent vantage spot for any approaching attackers because it is among the few elevated areas on the map. Providing they come from the assailants’ side, that is. A player can easily get the drop on the defender in A Tower behind as they navigate the globe using A-Link, for instance, from B Site. The optimal strategy for running a two-player defense in A Tower.

There are two primary strategies: A Long and A Short, in addition to bypassing B Site and A-Link. Simple advice for using A Long is to avoid doing it. Anyone in A Tower will have a clear shot, and they will see you before you see them because it is too open too early. Only if you are sure that the A Tower is empty is it a good plan. While A Short offers you a chance, A Tower still puts you at a disadvantage. You should be able to get to the stacked boxes that both shield you from A Tower and enable you to plant the Spike, though, if you hit it swiftly and with a teammate. However, aside from that, it is fully exposed.

The A Bombsite Attacking Strategies

A simple assault strategy for defenders is to close off Heaven and flash into the area to eliminate them, as with Flower Pot. In addition to other areas like Hell and behind A-box, agents with incendiary, fragment, and area damage-inflicting abilities can wipe out these places as well.  Omen and Jett can conquer places like the Tower and the Short Stack, but they run the danger of being exposed.

The A Bombsite Defending Strategies

All of the smoke and tools that attackers will use to enter the site will be used against defenders. Their best option is to either wait for the bomb to be laid before pushing through smokes, or to let the attackers plant the spike while they only play retakes. A defensive player who engages in aggressive Long or Sewers may gather information and possibly receive a free pick to begin the round.

The B Bombsite in Haven

The center of the map is where Site B is located. Although it initially appears to have the greatest amount of open, with good coordination among the defenders. It can be quickly closed in on. Hold either A Link or C Link, though A Link is likely your best option for a defensive vantage point. Since you will be better off with A defensive players in the A Tower than at ground level. Back B isn’t a bad option either. But it’s more exposed than a solid defensive point of view should be and exposes you to attacks from three directions. A Link only exposes you to attacks from two directions, provided the A Tower team performs its job.

Regarding attacks, it is necessary to capture Back B because you won’t be able to execute a pincer movement from A & C and rely on defenders. Your team members should guard A Link and C Link while you eliminate any defender present at Back B. In case of a lack of manpower, the ability can be utilized to obstruct one of the links. Additionally, rushing B is also a viable strategy, especially because defenders are expected to be occupied elsewhere before Spike arrives. However, this option entails a certain degree of risk.

The B bombsite Attacking Strategies

Being in close quarters with many places for the defense to shoot from and retreat to makes attacking B difficult. There is only one attacker-side entry point from mid. A common strategy is to shut off the A and C-Link, Wall off the site’s back half, and quickly place a plant in front of the doorway from mid. Attackers can then turn around and return to the middle and repel a retake from there.

The B bombsite Defending Strategies

A single agent can successfully defend B and does not pose a significant challenge. Maintain the mid-to-B connector smoke-free so that the attackers will be less likely to charge the site blind.

The C Bombsite in Haven

The only location on the entire Haven map that has a passageway long enough for a skilled sniper to shine is Spike Site C. And that is by far the most effective method of defending it. C Long is a sharp turn from the bomb site to the rear of the Haven map. It is not angled, has a little cover, and has no doors, or boxes. The Cubby is the only available cover, but even that is dangerous. Don’t give the defenders any more leverage over Haven; they already have a sufficient lead. Beware of C Long like an assailant.

However, if you’re able to rush Site C in a group, it is the simplest site to target on the grid via C Short. The C Window is the only location on the approach that needs defensive attention. Even the most inexperienced defender will surely realize the cue to guard there because this is clearly constructed as a defensive outpost. It is wiser to use a skill like Jett’s Cloudburst rather than attempting to eliminate them. Following that, Site C offers a tonne of cover in the form of layered wooden boxes and map corners. It simply comes down to whoever has the numbers and who is the better shot if you can get here. Get it down before then so you have more opportunities to do other things.

The C Bombsite Attacking Strategies

The safest tactic for attackers is a two-pronged act of aggression from C Long and Connector. To access the Connector, take control of the Garage. Then, move down C Long using smokes or walls until you are right adjacent to the C entrance gate. Utilize timing and flashes to enter the area and sweep corners.

The C Bombsite Defending Strategies

As the defending team, if Long C is not obstructed by smoke. Utilize C-Box for shelter while peeking down Long C (avoid using Plat as it leaves you vulnerable without any means of retreat). In case Long C is covered with smoke. Seek refuge in concealed spots and monitor Long C and Connector until the opponents initiate the assault.

Wrap it all up

Finally, Haven is a fascinating and difficult Valorant map that offers a range of gaming methods for both offensive and defensive sides. Haven’s layout and several entry points necessitate careful planning and execution. Locations A and B. To outmanoeuvre opponents, players must master the complexities of the terrain and make split-second decisions. Spike rush mode has also become more severe. The gameplay is unpredictable. Haven adds to the Valorant map pool. Its unusual look and varied gameplay should appeal to Valorant aficionados.

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Zain Hanif

I'm a lifelong fan of anime and video games, and I have a deep passion for Japanese culture. I've been watching anime and playing video games since I was a kid, and I'm always up-to-date with the latest releases. My knowledge of the history and culture of the anime and gaming industries is extensive, and I love to explore new content in these areas.

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