Minecraft Simple Storage Network, Wiki & Guide

The Simple Storage Network (SSN) mod is a popular mod for Minecraft that adds a network-based storage system to the game. With this mod, players can easily store and retrieve items from anywhere in their base using a central network interface.

The SSN mod allows players to create storage blocks and connect them to a central network using cables. Once connected, players can access the storage blocks from anywhere in their base by simply interacting with the network interface.

The mod also includes an auto-crafting system that allows players to automate the crafting of items using the resources stored in the network. This can be a huge time-saver, especially for players who need to craft large quantities of items.

Simple Storage Network Mod Explained

Simple Storage Network (also known as SSNetwork or SSN) is a SkyFactory 4 modpack mod. It was created by Lothrazar and contributes various components towards the construction of a storage system that is readily connected into other systems, extendable, and requires no power, making it ideal for early-game storage solutions.

What does Simple Storage Network Mod Include?

This modification introduces a variety of blocks, each with its own unique function. The basic Storage Cable merely links other components together and has no purpose on its own. Special cables, aside from the basic Storage Cable, can only be connected to a single inventory at a time. To specify which inventory is to be connected when a cable is adjacent to multiple inventories, use a Crescent Hammer.

Simple Storage Network

Cables included in the Simple Storage Network Mod

The various cables available are:

Storage Cable: the basic cable with no unique functions

Storage Link Cable: connects storage inventories (such as chests) to the network, allowing storage and retrieval via a Storage Request Table or Storage Remote

Export Cable: exports items from the SSN to outside inventories, with filtering options

Import Cable: imports items from outside inventories into the SSN, with both blacklist and whitelist filtering modes

Processing Cable: automates some processing and can be used for autocrafting. Adding a Controller to the SSN enhances its functionality.

Blocks included in the Simple Storage Network Mod

There are also several blocks available:

Storage Network Master: an essential component that can only be used once per SSN. Its function is to connect Storage Remotes to a specific SSN.

Storage Request Table: an interface that allows access to any item present in inventories linked to the SSN with Storage Link Cables, and includes a built-in 3 by 3 crafting interface. Multiple Storage Request Tables can be used in an SSN.

Controller: necessary when using Processing Cables. Allows for requesting specific amounts of items from crafting automators or blocks linked to the SSN. Additional information on how to use a Controller can be found on the Processing Cables page.

Furthermore, cable upgrades are available, including Speed Upgrades to speed up Import and Export cables, Operation Upgrades to start or stop the operation of Import or Export cables based on the presence of a certain amount of a specific item in the connected inventory, Stack Upgrades to increase the stack size of an operation, and Stock Upgrades to limit the maximum amount of a particular item that can be exported to the connected inventory.

Simple Storage Network

Remotes included in the Simple Storage Network Mod

Lastly, there are two types of Remotes available:

Storage Remote: connects wirelessly to an SSN when right-clicked on the Master block. It allows for full functionality of the Storage Request Table up to a distance of 64 blocks from the Storage Network Master, but only within the same dimension as the SSN.

Simple Storage Remote: grants access to SSN contents from an unlimited distance, but does not allow for crafting. The user still needs to be within the same dimension as the SSN it is connected to.


To set up a Simple Storage Network (SSN), you need a Storage Network Master, a chest connected to a Storage Link Cable, a Storage Request Table, and Storage Cables. You can access items stored in the chest using the Storage Request Table. Expand the SSN by adding more chests and connecting them with Storage Link Cables. You can also set priorities and use Import and Export cables to push and pull items from other inventories. Advanced automation is possible by combining Processing Cables with crafters from other mods.

To Wrap it all Up

The Simple Storage Network (SSN) mod is a popular Minecraft mod that allows players to easily store and retrieve items from anywhere in their base using a central network interface.

Players can create storage blocks and connect them to a central network using cables, and access the storage blocks from anywhere in their base by interacting with the network interface. The mod also includes an auto-crafting system that allows players to automate the crafting of items using the resources stored in the network.

The mod includes various types of cables and blocks with unique functions, such as Storage Link Cables, Export Cables, Import Cables, Processing Cables, Storage Network Master, Storage Request Table, and Controller. This mod is ideal for early-game storage solutions and can be expanded by adding more chests and connecting them with Storage Link Cables. Players can also set priorities and use Import and Export cables to push and pull items from other inventories.

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Zain Hanif

I'm a lifelong fan of anime and video games, and I have a deep passion for Japanese culture. I've been watching anime and playing video games since I was a kid, and I'm always up-to-date with the latest releases. My knowledge of the history and culture of the anime and gaming industries is extensive, and I love to explore new content in these areas.

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