Who Goes There. In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, players have the opportunity to embark on various thrilling side adventures. One such adventure is “The Lost Relics of Hyrule,” where players search for scattered ancient artifacts, solving puzzles and exploring hidden locations to uncover the secrets of Hyrule’s history. Another side adventure, “The Cursed Shrine,” involves navigating a haunted shrine, overcoming traps, defeating enemies, and solving riddles to restore peace. Players can also discover hidden fairy fountains in “The Great Fairy Fountain,” awakening fairies who grant powerful upgrades and abilities.
Additionally, the enigmatic “Masked Merchant” offers rare items in exchange for completing challenging tasks and quests. These side adventures provide exciting quests, valuable rewards, and opportunities to delve deeper into the world of Tears of the Kingdom.
What is Who Goes There in Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom
“Who Goes There?” is another captivating Side Adventure featured in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. This particular quest presents players with a mysterious encounter that requires their investigative skills and problem-solving abilities.
As players venture through the vast and enchanting world of Tears of the Kingdom, they may come across rumors and whispers of an elusive figure lurking in the shadows. These rumors pique their curiosity and propel them towards the “Who Goes There?” Side Adventure.
The quest begins when players receive a distressing report from a village elder about strange occurrences happening under the cover of darkness. Mysterious figures have been spotted sneaking around the village, causing unrest and unease among the residents. Determined to uncover the truth, players set out on a mission to identify and confront these shadowy individuals.
Walkthrough of Who Goes There in Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom
After completing the necessary steps, return to Lookout Landing and descend into the Emergency Shelter. Approach Jerrin, the Sheikah woman sweeping the floor near the library area. Interestingly, her vigorous sweeping has inadvertently created a hole in the wall, and she expresses concern about the eerie and mysterious voice emanating from within. To unveil the secrets hidden within, crawl through the hole and enter the Royal Hidden Passage, an extensive tunnel system that serves as a direct path to the Castle.
Once inside the passage, you will notice two walls that can be broken. The one directly in front of you and another to your right. Smash the wall on your right to reveal the source of the haunting voice.
To your astonishment, you come face-to-face with the Forbidden Horned Statue, resembling the one encountered outside Hateno Village in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This peculiar statue offers a unique service—it allows you to trade your Stamina and Heart gauges, providing the ability to customize them according to your preferences at any time. Interact with the statue to initiate the engaging Side Adventure known as “A Deal With the Statue.”
Once you have completed your interaction with the statue, you can return to Jerrin and fulfill her quest. As a token of gratitude for your efforts, she will reward you with a Red Rupee, acknowledging your dedication and resourcefulness.
Location of Who Goes There in Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom
After successfully completing at least one temple, make your way to Lookout Landing and seek out Jerrin, a resident of the village. Jerrin can be found in a specific area of Lookout Landing, where she diligently carries out her tasks. Approach her and initiate a conversation to engage in a meaningful interaction.
Jerrin, a knowledgeable and perceptive individual, has valuable insights to share about the world and its current state. She possesses a wealth of information and may offer guidance or advice on your quest. Additionally, Jerrin may have a personal quest or request that requires your assistance, providing an opportunity for you to undertake a side adventure or complete a task on her behalf.
To Wrap it all Up
In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, players can embark on various thrilling side adventures. “The Lost Relics of Hyrule” involves searching for ancient artifacts, “The Cursed Shrine” requires navigating a haunted shrine. “The Great Fairy Fountain” offers upgrades from fairies, and the “Masked Merchant” offers rare items. Another captivating side adventure is “Who Goes There?” where players investigate mysterious figures causing unrest in a village.
They must descend into the Royal Hidden Passage. Encounter the Forbidden Horned Statue, and trigger the “A Deal With the Statue” quest. Completing the quest and returning to Jerrin in Lookout Landing rewards players with a Red Rupee.
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