Minecraft Card Game – Wiki & Guide

Minecraft is primarily a video game, but there are also a few Minecraft-themed card games available. One such game is called “Minecraft Card Game”, which is published by Mattel.

In the Minecraft Card Game, players collect Resource Cards (Wood, Stone, Iron, Diamond, and Gold) and Craft Cards to create tools, weapons, and structures. The game includes Creeper and TNT cards that can blow up a player’s hard-earned items. The goal is to be the first player to craft a set number of items and reach the end of the Crafting Table.

Another Minecraft card game is “Minecraft Builders & Biomes,” which is published by Ravensburger. This game is more of a strategy game where players explore and build in a blocky world. Players collect resources, use them to build structures, and earn points for completed structures. The game includes multiple biomes, each with its own unique resources and building opportunities.

Both of these games are designed for 2-4 players and are suitable for ages 8 and up. They can be a fun way to bring the Minecraft experience to life in a new way.

What is Minecraft Card Game?

The Minecraft Card Game is a card game developed by Mojang Studios and distributed by Mattel Games. In the game, players “mine” resource cards in order to “craft” craft cards, which may then be used to “craft” items to earn points.

Types of Cards in Minecraft Card Game

The Minecraft Card Game is a popular card game based on the world of Minecraft. Each set of the game includes a total of 100 cards, which are divided into two sets: resource cards and craft cards. Out of the total 100 cards, 25 are craft cards.

The resource cards are further divided into different categories. 24 wood cards, 11 “wild” cards, 9 stone cards, 8 iron cards, 7 gold cards, 6 diamond cards, 5 Creeper cards, and 5 TNT cards. The resource cards are used to collect different resources. Like wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond, and more, which players can use to craft items in the game.

The craft cards, on the other hand, provide players with recipes for crafting various tools, weapons, and structures. In addition to the cards, the game also comes with four card holders, one for each player to use during gameplay.

Rules of Minecraft Card Game

The goal of the game is to be the first player to accumulate the most points.

Setting up the Minecraft Card Game involves shuffling all resource cards and dealing them face down into five piles of fifteen cards each. Once the piles are complete, players turn them over so that all the cards are face up. Next, the craft cards are shuffled and dealt into four piles of six cards each, with the crafting side up. One card is left over, which is used for the discard pile. If a card is blown up after using a TNT card, sacrificed after using a Creeper card, or traded in when crafting, it is put into the discard pile.

Minecraft Card Game

During gameplay, players may perform two actions during their turn, even if they are the same action. Play then proceeds to the next player once the other player has completed their actions.


There are three types of actions a player can perform: Mine, Craft, or Reserve. If a player decides to mine a resource card, they are to take one resource card from the top of one of the five resource card piles. If a player decides to craft, they trade in any resource cards they have available to acquire the respective craft card. Each craft card has a point value, which is used by the player for adding points.

Minecraft Card Game

The tool associated with the craft card can also be used by the player during the game. If a player desires a craft card but is unable to pay for it, they are allowed to place their card in “Reserve”. This involves taking the craft card they want and placing it in their card holder. Then, when the player has mined the required resources. They can use an action on their turn to trade the resources in and get the card out of “Reserve”, which is then placed with the player’s other craft cards. The Minecraft Card Game provides players with a variety of strategies and options to craft their way to victory.

To Wrap it all Up

The Minecraft Card Game is a popular card game based on the world of Minecraft. It is designed for 2-4 players and suitable for ages 8 and up. The game involves collecting Resource Cards and Craft Cards to create tools, weapons, and structures. Also trying to avoid Creeper and TNT cards that can blow up a player’s items. The game has a goal to craft a set number of items and reach the end of the Crafting Table.

The Minecraft Card Game consists of 100 cards divided into two sets. Resource cards and Craft cards, with 25 craft cards. The resource cards are further divided into different categories and are used to collect resources like wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond, and more. The craft cards provide players with recipes for crafting various items, and each card has a point value. The game provides players with a variety of strategies and options to craft their way to victory.

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Zain Hanif

I'm a lifelong fan of anime and video games, and I have a deep passion for Japanese culture. I've been watching anime and playing video games since I was a kid, and I'm always up-to-date with the latest releases. My knowledge of the history and culture of the anime and gaming industries is extensive, and I love to explore new content in these areas.

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