Asobo Studio, the creative force behind A Plague Tale: Requiem, has officially announced a partnership with Focus Entertainment for an upcoming project. Building on the success of the 2019 stealth game A Plague Tale: Innocence, its sequel, A Plague Tale: Requiem, follows the continued journey of Hugo and Amicia, earning recognition with nominations in five categories at The Game Awards 2022.
Asobo Studio boasts a diverse portfolio, collaborating with Ubisoft and Xbox on titles like ReCore, The Crew 1 and 2, as well as various Xbox Kinect games. Prior to joining forces with Focus Entertainment for A Plague Tale: Innocence, the studio’s involvement in the late 2000s included Disney Pixar tie-in games for movies such as Wall-E, Ratatouille, Up, and Toy Story 3. Notably, they developed Microsoft Flight Simulator in 2020 and continue to provide updates. The success of the Plague Tale games marked a departure from their usual projects.
More than a year after the release of A Plague Tale: Requiem, Focus Entertainment, in a tweet celebrating the game’s achievement of 3 million players, disclosed an ongoing collaboration with Asobo Studio for another exciting project as per the team at Gamers Mentor. While details are scant, it remains uncertain whether this will be a third installment in the Plague Tale series. Despite indications and job postings suggesting additional Plague Tale content, the resolution of Amicia and Hugo’s narrative in A Plague Tale: Requiem hints that this project may introduce a new intellectual property (IP). Considering Focus Entertainment’s track record, it might take the form of a dark third-person action-adventure game similar to Plague Tale, potentially incorporating Asobo’s expertise in stealth.
Currently, with Asobo Studio focused on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 for Xbox, the new collaboration with Focus Entertainment is likely in its early stages, possibly still in the initial phases of development. As a result, fans shouldn’t expect a reveal at The Game Awards in the upcoming month.