In CSGO, certain maps like Dust 2 and Inferno are very popular because they have been around for a long time. However, there are also other maps worth exploring.
One of the newer maps in the competitive CS:GO scene is Ancient. It stands out because it has a unique and different look compared to other maps. Since many people haven’t had a chance to play it yet, they may not know what to expect. That’s why we made this CSGO Ancient level overview. It will provide you with all the important information you should know about the map.
About Ancient CSGO
The most recent inclusion to the map pool in CS:GO has also been one of the most contentious. Many consider Ancient CSGO Map to be a contemporary take on de_aztec, with an exciting spin on 5v5 in a familiar green setting. So, fellow players, keep reading for this beginner’s guide to the Ancient CSGO Map.
Train was recently removed from the active service map pool in CS:GO, putting long-time veterans in the same boat as newcomers. So, what else can you do but stare, right? Many players are originally intimidated by the new Ancient CSGO Map; while it is undeniably a stunningly gorgeous map, with all new high-resolution assets and textures, its clipping leaves much to be desired. To be fair, given how new the map is, let’s just chalk it up to an early teething issue and hope that Valve will fix it in one of the constant tweaks that we can expect to see to this map in the near future.
Ancient CSGO Map Layout
Let’s commence with a look at the Ancient CSGO Map’s layout. It has three major areas, just like any other CS:GO defusal map: A Site, B Site, and Middle. The apparently contrasting bombsites and awkward angles and bending corridors in-between distinguish this map from your typical three-lane arena.
Ancient CSGO Middle Area
The Middle section of this map, particularly towards the top Mid and Tomb, reminded me a lot of Cache’s Middle & Highway area. However, it played quite differently, with a lot more emphasis put on Tomb in the Ancient CSGO Map, while Highway appears to get slightly less attention on Cache.
Ancient CSGO Angles
So, what is it about the angles on this chart that has so many people worried? For example, we will investigate passageways. As previously stated, CT’s gain a significant amount of map control before T’s, allowing them to play aggressively and potentially catch you off guard if you’re not cautious. They can get to Tunnels at the same time as the terrorists, so if you press awkwardly with your knife out, you might end up regretting it.
Ancient CSGO Catwalk Area
Cat is another topic of fascination. It’s also easy to overlook that CTs can push you out of Sunroom and catch you off guard if you’re the CAT player. (We go over this in more detail in the video below, so make sure to view it!) The obvious solution would be to keep an eye out, but in actuality, it forces you to either remain hyper alert to multiple angles or use some utility early to prevent any wandering CT’s from pushing.
Ancient CSGO A Bombsite
Many things become clear when looking at the top of A Site on the new Ancient CSGO Map; CT’s have the initial advantage because it’s directly next to CT Spawn.
Ancient CT Side
This allows CTs to position themselves further up the site in Tunnels to attempt to kill any pushing Ts. However, if we look closely, we can see that Tomb (which connects Mid to A Site.) is also reasonably large, and the site offers little to no cover from an aggressive push from Tomb.
The site itself is vast and open, with few places to hide; this makes it difficult to play if you lose mid control early on, as you will have to think about a potential A split, which means you must now consider Tunnels and Tomb. We suggest focusing on Mid control and always having a player posted in tombs to prevent having so many angles to worry about.
Ancient T Side
If you’re on T Side, the reverse is true. You should thoroughly inspect the entire site before putting yourself at risk and planting. If you’re alone, this can be difficult, but keep in mind that A site is enormous, open, and lacks many hiding places. The Temple region is an exception to this rule. Once you’ve mastered the plant, the ball is in your court because you have many options for an after plant position, and unless the CT’s have a numerical edge over you, it’ll be difficult for them to defuse without being traded.
Ancient CSGO B Bombsite
The B Site is the polar antithesis of the A Site. It’s quite claustrophobic and has a real close quarters feel to it, rather than being open with few areas to check. This makes it play very differently than A and enables SMGs to be fully utilised.
Ancient CT Side
CTs on B Site are susceptible to being smoked off if they are not properly positioned. Also, if T’s smoke an angle off, they’re unlikely to verify. Their attention will be drawn to the remaining angles (the ones you’re most likely holding).
To counteract this, have a player hold Sunroom. If they’re feeling brave, have them push it to try and capture the T’s at Middle or if they push Double doors. Loss of control of Sunroom will be disastrous for the Counter-Terrorists and will guarantee an easy takeover for the T’s. You could also counter a B take by being bold early on and using Molotov cocktails and flash grenades.
Simply throw a Molotov down the ramp to avoid a push from the double doors, allowing you to get further down the ramp than normal. You could also combine this with a Sunroom push to start a firefight with your teammate. If all else fails and you’re forced to relinquish control of the site, don’t worry because the back of the site. It is still a formidable position to play and, if not dealt with swiftly, you can really punish the T’s from here.
Ancient T Side
If you’re on T Side, B Site can be scary, but you’re not as likely to be picked off by an AWP as you are on A. If you use your utility properly, you will have an advantage. Learn the proper smokes, flashes, and even Molly positions, and you’ll easily drive the CTs off site.
If you want to learn about some helpful smoke spots, check out our video guide. After you’ve smoked off alley, for example, have a player take control of Sunroom. This could be your mid player falling back into Cat. You could do a B Split from Ramp and Sunroom. Make sure to flash out for them before they peak, forcing the CT’s to fall even further back.
To Wrap it all Up
The Ancient map is the newest addition to the competitive map pool in CS:GO. It has a unique and controversial style, featuring a green environment. The map has three main areas: A Site, B Site, and Middle. It stands out from other maps with its distinct bombsites and tricky angles and corridors. CTs have an advantage on this map by gaining control early and playing aggressively. The A site has limited cover and is open, while the B site is more enclosed and plays differently. Understanding the layout and angles of this map is essential for effective gameplay. Despite the controversy, Ancient offers a fresh and interesting experience for players.
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