American Paint Horse RDR2 – Complete Guide

The American Paint Horse is a breed of horse that is known for its distinctive coat patterns. These patterns are created by a combination of white and base color, and can be very striking. American Paint Horses are also known for their good temperament and all-around athleticism. In this article we’ll be learning about American Paint Horse in RDR2.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, American Paint Horses are available in four different coat varieties: Tobiano, Overo, Splash White, and Gray. Each variety has its own unique pattern, and can be found in a variety of different colors.


Tobiano American Paint Horses are characterized by large, irregular patches of white and base color. The patches are usually separated by a dark line, and the white does not cross the spine or the top of the tail.


Overo American Paint Horses are also characterized by irregular patches of white and base color, but the patches are usually smaller and more numerous than on a Tobiano coat. The white can also cross the spine and the top of the tail.

Splash White

Splash White American Paint Horses are characterized by large patches of white on the horse’s head, legs, and belly. The patches can also extend onto the horse’s sides and back.


Gray American Paint Horses are characterized by a mixture of white and black hairs. The graying process begins around the horse’s muzzle and eyes, and spreads over the rest of the body as the horse ages.

American Paint Horse Rdr2 Location

  • Tobiano and Overo: These coat varieties can be found wild in the following locations:
    • Ambarino: Near Donner Falls
    • New Austin: All across the region
  • Splash White: This coat variety can only be found at random NPC camps.
  • Gray: This coat variety can only be purchased from stables. The price varies depending on the stable, but it is typically around $400.

How to Tame American Paint Horse

Once you have found an American Paint horse, you need to tame it before you can ride it. To do this, approach the horse slowly and calm it down by patting it and speaking to it in a soothing voice. Once the horse is calm, you can mount it and start riding.

American Paint Horse Stats

American Paint Horses are excellent all-around horses. They have good speed, stamina, and health, making them suitable for a variety of tasks, including hunting, racing, and exploring.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of their stats:

  • Speed: 7/10
  • Stamina: 8/10
  • Health: 8/10
  • Handling: 7/10
  • Courage: 7/10

How to use American Paint Horse

American Paint Horses are very versatile horses. They can be used for a variety of tasks, including:

  • Hunting: American Paint Horses are good hunters because they are fast, have good stamina, and can be trained to track prey.
  • Racing: American Paint Horses can also be used for racing because they are fast and have good handling.
  • Exploring: American Paint Horses are also good horses for exploring because they have good stamina and can handle a variety of terrain.

Tips for using an American Paint Horse

  • Bonding: Bonding with your American Paint Horse will improve its performance and make it more loyal to you. You can bond with your horse by grooming it, feeding it, and riding it.
  • Training: You can train your American Paint Horse to perform a variety of tasks, such as tracking prey, following waypoints, and flanking enemies. To train your horse, simply hold the left trigger and press the corresponding button for the task you want to train your horse to perform.
  • Equipment: You can equip your American Paint Horse with a variety of equipment, such as saddles, saddlebags, and bridles. This equipment can improve your horse’s performance and give you more storage space.


The American Paint Horse is an excellent all-around horse in Red Dead Redemption 2. It is fast, has good stamina and health, and can be used for a variety of tasks. If you are looking for a versatile horse that can handle anything you throw at it, the American Paint Horse is a great option.

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Huzaifa Murad

As a tech enthusiast and avid gamer, I’m passionate about everything related to technology and gaming. I am also proud to be the team lead of Gamerz Gateway, where I have the privilege of leading a group of like-minded individuals who share my enthusiasm for gaming. With extensive knowledge of games and the gaming industry, I enjoy exploring the latest trends, discussing game mechanics, and staying updated with technological advancements that shape the gaming landscape. From immersive gameplay to cutting-edge hardware, my enthusiasm drives me to constantly learn and engage with fellow enthusiasts in this ever-evolving world.

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