5 Best Open-World Anime Games Of All Time

Here is a ranking of the best open-world anime games of all time, starting from the least favored to the finest.

Open-world gaming remains one of the most sought-after genres in the world of game development. The broad appeal of this genre has made it a lucrative focus for publishers as they strive to create distinctive and captivating open worlds that players can explore. However, with the genre becoming increasingly saturated, capturing that elusive magic has become a challenging task. Most open-world games tend to feel somewhat similar, with only minor variations setting them apart.

In response to this challenge, developers in the genre are making earnest efforts to distinguish their creations. They leverage everything from gameplay mechanics to visual aesthetics to infuse a unique quality into their open-world titles. An intriguing approach that some developers adopt to add a distinct flavor to their games is drawing inspiration from the art style commonly found in manga and anime.

Regrettably, there’s a prevailing notion among some that anime games don’t always live up to the highest gaming standards. It’s a pity because there are numerous titles that defy this stereotype and have earned recognition as truly exceptional games that deserve the spotlight. The fact that some of these anime games successfully tackle the open-world genre and deliver remarkable results is a testament to their merit. These standout open-world anime games are a must-see for fans who appreciate the fusion of a unique art style with familiar gameplay mechanics.

5 Best Open-World Anime Games

One Piece: World Seeker


The prospect of immersing oneself in an open-world One Piece game was undeniably enticing for fans of the beloved series. After all, who wouldn’t want to take command of the Straw Hat Pirates and embark on their thrilling escapades? However, despite the exhilarating experience of navigating the game’s expansive world as Luffy, it leaves much to be desired in several aspects.

The game, regrettably, lacks a certain essence and doesn’t introduce any innovative elements to breathe new life into the genre based on the source material. That said, die-hard One Piece enthusiasts will derive satisfaction from assuming the roles of Luffy and other downloadable content characters. Nevertheless, the game falls short of the higher expectations it should have aimed to meet.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot


Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot garnered an abundance of hype from enthusiasts due to its promise of enabling players to relive the entire DBZ storyline. This premise held great appeal, and fans were initially thrilled by the captivating combat sequences and enjoyable exploration aspects of the game.

Nevertheless, as one delves further into Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, the initial sense of awe gradually dissipates. The RPG elements incorporated into the game feel somewhat forced, and some players might argue that the experience would have been improved without them. Furthermore, the once captivating battles begin to lose their shine as players continue, revealing that the mechanics lack the depth that many had anticipated.

Final Fantasy 15


Final Fantasy 15 underwent a tumultuous development cycle marked by multiple director changes until Hajime Tabata took over, striving to create a cohesive experience with a compelling narrative. While the game offers enjoyable gameplay, it’s impossible to ignore the noticeable issues that occasionally make it feel unfinished.

The introduction of the Royal Edition made significant strides in rehabilitating the game’s reputation, but lingering problems persist within Final Fantasy 15, even in its refined form. Nonetheless, the open-world aspect remains a delight for series enthusiasts, and witnessing this transformation from its original turn-based roots is undeniably impressive.

Genshin Impact


Genshin Impact was initially dismissed by many as a money-driven gacha game, seemingly borrowing the art style of Breath of the Wild for quick attention. However, it turned out to be a genuinely enjoyable experience with a diverse roster of beloved characters, each offering engaging gameplay.

Genshin Impact’s captivating gameplay loop ensures players remain immersed for an extended period. While obtaining certain sought-after characters may require an investment, there’s no denying that this game deserves recognition, effectively dispelling the misconception that a free-to-play label suggests subpar quality.

Yakuza 0

The Yakuza series, despite being an underrated gem on the PS2, faced a decline in its audience due to later games in the series not being localized. With the franchise’s future at stake, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio took the bold step of creating a prequel for a worldwide release. This endeavor resulted in Yakuza 0, a game that not only revived the series but also became a massive success.

The journey of Kiryu and Majima, as they evolved from inexperienced yakuza lackeys into underworld legends, is a captivating experience. While the game’s settings, Kamurocho and Sotenbori, may not be vast, they are brimming with engaging substories and unique interactions.


Open-world anime games have redefined the gaming experience, offering vast, immersive worlds where players can embark on epic adventures and engage with beloved characters. In this article, we’ve explored the best open-world anime games of all time. These games have set the bar high with their captivating storytelling, rich landscapes, and the ability to dive deep into the anime universes we love. They continue to be celebrated as groundbreaking titles that offer endless entertainment.

Suggested Read: Best GBA Anime Games Of All Time

Kaab Siddiqui

Kaab is a passionate and knowledgeable anime and gaming enthusiast with a deep love for the worlds of animation and interactive entertainment. As an avid fan, Kaab possess a comprehensive understanding of anime and gaming landscapes. Kaab expertise extends across a wide range of genres, from action-packed shonen series to immersive RPGs and everything in between. Kaab stay up-to-date with the latest developments, trends, and releases, ensuring that my coverage is timely and insightful.

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