How to Get The Bolt Action Rifle in PUBG + Complete List

In PUBG, there are special guns called bolt-action rifles. These weapons are ideal for shooting enemies from a distance. The Kar98k is a popular choice since it is dependable and can take out an assailant in a single shot if used appropriately. The M24 is another interesting bolt-action rifle with good accuracy and power but fires a little slower. The AWM, on the other hand, is incredibly powerful and can even pierce extremely thick armor. Because each of these weapons is useful in different situations, players should choose the one that best fits their gaming style. Today, we are going to talk about How to Get a Bolt Action Rifle in PUBG and its complete list.

Bolt Action Rifles in PUBG

In the game PUBG Mobile, there are many types of guns. It can be overwhelming to understand them all at first. One kind of gun is called a Bolt-Action Rifles. These guns have long tubes, which makes them very effective for shooting enemies from a long distance with great precision. The unique thing about them is that you need to manually load each bullet, and the bullets move a little slower compared to certain other guns. If you enjoy shooting from far away and want to hit your target accurately, these rifles are a good option for you in the game.

Bolt Action Rifle PUBG

How to Get a Bolt Action Rifle in PUBG

In PUBG, Bolt Action Rifles are incredibly accurate rifles for firing from a long distance. They can take down an attacker with a single shot, but there’s a catch: reloading the gun takes time. As a result, using it in a close combat situation is not a good idea. These guns are ideal for long-range surprise attacks, especially if you’re in a house or on higher ground. These rifles come in three varieties in PUBG: M24, AWM, and Kar98K, and they can be found on all four maps, but some are more common than others. Each gun requires different bullets, so knowing which ones to use is critical.

Getting The M24

The M24 is a rare and strong firearm in PUBG that can only be discovered in care packages on levels like Miramar, Sanhok, Erangel, and Vikendi. It can pierce Level 2 helmets with a single shot and fires 7.62 mm ammo, which is more widely available than the weapon itself.

Getting The AWM

AWM is the most powerful bolt-action rifle, capable of dispatching opponents wearing Level 3 helmets in a single shot. It only fires on rare occasions.300 Magnum ammo may only be obtained by airdrops on the same maps.

Getting The Kar89K

The Kar98K, a typical bolt-action rifle, is capable of defeating opponents wearing Level 2 helmets. It fires 7.62 mm ammo, which can be found in bunkers, open areas, residences, and military bases on the listed maps.

Complete List of All Bolt Action Rifles

Bolt Action Sniper RiflesKey Features
AWMRare and powerful, one-shot kill potential.  Obtained only through airdrops.  Best for long-range with fast bullet speed.
Kar98kCommon, enormous damage potential (79 damage).  Effective against level two helmets or lower. Deadly with lower bullet velocity.
M24Alternative to Kar98k, high damage (75 damage).  Four attachment slots, max damage up to 120 meters.  Less common than Kar98k.
Win94Found in Miramar, Sanhok, Vikendi.  Lower damage (66 damage).  Faster fire rate for medium range.  Limited in long-range combat.  Uses common 0.45 ACP ammo.
Mosin NagantNew sniper rifle, similar to Kar98k.  Specific damage data not available.  – Expected to have stats similar to Kar98k.

In My Opinion

Being a versatile sniper myself, I love hitting those long shots, and obviously, AWM is the UNDOUBTED KING of Snipers in PUBG. However, getting the AWM is quite hard. Hence, I prefer using the M24, as it is a more common find compared to the AWM, and the M24’s greater precision and faster bullet velocity, do make it a better overall choice when searching for loot.

To Wrap it all Up

Bolt-action rifles like the Kar98k, M24, and AWM provide precision long-range shots, each with its own set of strengths in PUBG. The AWM distinguishes itself as the king of snipers due to its one-shot kill potential, which is limited to airdrops. The more popular M24 has superior precision and bullet velocity, giving it a more versatile alternative. The Kar98k, while less powerful, is plentiful and effective against lower-level helmets. The Win94 is a faster medium-range weapon, whereas the new Mosin Nagant is identical to the Kar98k. The best sniper rifle is influenced by availability and playstyle.

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Bilal Gondal

Bilal Gondal is not your average computer enthusiast. Bilal is a powerhouse in the gaming world. Hosting and organizing gaming tournaments is just the beginning for him. Having played CSGO professionally, making his mark among the best. Bilal is skilled at sharing his gaming expertise through well-researched articles and tactical game guides.

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